5Prerequisites:Principles of Electronics engineeringObjective:to impart to you engineering formalism of logic permitting you to examine logical procedures to let you to implement easy logical operations using combinational logiccircuits to allow you to be mindful common bureaucracy of number representation in digitalelectronic circuits and to be in a position to convert between different representationsCourse Description:Module 1:o Binary, octal and Hexadecimal quantity techniques and their interconversiono Binary arithmetic Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication andDivisiono 1s and 2s complements, 9s and 10s complement, BCD code,BCDAdditiono Gray Code, Error Detection and Correction , Hamming code. Module 2:o Logic functions OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, XORo Elements of Boolean Algebra Theorems fact tables andrelationso Negative and Positive good judgment, Saturated and non saturated logico fan in, fan out, Logic ICs, de Morgans Theorem, mintermsandmaxterms. o Karnaugh mapping, K map representation of logical functionfor 2,4,5 and 6 variable, simplification of Boolean equations with thehelpof K map,o Various minimization suggestions, Quines strategy and QuinesMcCluskey methodo Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor, serial andparallel binary adder. o various good judgment families DCTL, RTL, DTL, TTL and EC workingandtheir features in briefo MOS Gates and CMOS Gates, evaluation of loads of logicfamiliesVarious styles of Flip Flop: RS Flip Flop, Clocked RS Flip FlopEdge brought on D Flip Flop, Flip Flop Switching timeJ/K Flip Flop, JK Master Slave Flip flopShift registers: serial in serial outserial in parallel out ,parallel in serial out, parallel in parallelcounters. o D/A Converter, A/D Converter, Multiplexers and Demultiplexero Encoder and Decoder and their applicationsLearning Outcomes:this course will deliver engineering advantage of fundamental virtual layout andsystematic strategies of analysis and design of digital techniques and providebasic potential of the way digital constructing blocks are defined in engineering hardwaredescription language VHDL. Assessment Model:Digital Principles and Applications by Malvino and LeachDigital Integrated Electronics by Taub and SchillingModern Digital Electronics by R.